2nd April 2024
Some exercise, singing, music and dance with the inmates at Mogadan. They actually noticed that we couldn’t visit them in the monthf March and they brought it to our notice and requested us to come often.
We observed that there were in total around 25 inmates present. However active participation were 10 to 12 inmates. The following are some important observations.
There was a prayer going on at 3.30 pm which got over by 3.45 and only then we started our session.
2. We started the session with some basic hand, hip and leg movements with some upbeat music . Then we sang and danced on popular konkani songs that they can sing a little and follow the tunes effortlessly. We also tried some Hindi popular songs .
We have noticed that they are feeling more relaxed about participating and one or two inmates also love to sing with us.
2. We went and met and greeted all who were not very active. Especially the older inmates. They like holding hands and praying.