WeCARE Charitable Trust

Seeing the plight of the vulnerable, unskilled, and frustrated young people and the hopelessness experienced by Senior citizens, We a group of professionals, businessmen, and social workers were inspired to extend our caring hands.  We came together on 23rd June 2017 to set up WeCare Charitable Trust that would work to bring about a transformation in the lives of the despairing young people, lonely and abandoned senior citizens, depressed and the underprivileged section of the society.


Basil D’Cunha


Jose D’Costa

Founder Advisor

Ms. Judith D’Cunha


Mr. Jeffrey Chagas Pereira


Rommel De Souza


Mr. Carmelito Andrade



Mr.  Remiz Cardoz

Mr.  Felicio Fernandes

Mr.  Cleophas Caiado

Mr.  Blaise Silveira

Mr.  Talbert Frank

Mr.  Brian Gonsalves


To care for the disillusioned and despairing Youth

  • Creating programs that Educate and Empower the Youth to Leadership and to realize their full potential. 

  • Organizing personality development, motivational and leadership programmes.

  • Providing Career Guidance and Counseling 

  • Partnering with schools and institutions to provide value based and quality education.

  • Supporting educational institutions that provide vocational, technical, digital and skill-based training for students. 

  • Supporting the young people of the weaker section of the society to gain quality and skill-oriented education.


To care for  the abandoned and lonely Senior Citizens

  • Supporting the institutions running old aged homes and senior Care Centres.

  • Organizing healthcare programmes and medical camps.

  • Partnering with other institutions to provide shelter, food, clothing and health care.

  • Establishing Senior Care Homes and supporting institutions running Home Care Services.


Caring for the helpless and depressed

  • Providing counseling and Spiritual animation.

  • Organizing mental health and Spiritual Wellbeing programmes.

  • Supporting the institutions that run counseling and rehabilitation centres.

  • Partnering with Institutions to establish Counseling, Meditation and Wellness Centres.

  • Establishing Counseling and Wellness Centres.


Caring for the poor and the underprivileged

  • Providing food, clothing, shelter and other basic necessities of life.

  • Supporting the education of the poor and underprivileged students

  • Supporting the Institutions that run Destitute homes, Orphanages etc.